Well? As for this topic, I came up with the technology and students topic for my Unit II essay. I just thought that it would be a great topic to talk about because, Me.. Myself.. And I. is guilty of being sleep deprived because I use my electronics a little too much. I feel like my impulse to touch the phone is so strong that even thought my mind tells me "Dude, why are you checking your phone. No one is texting you at this time of day." and yet my body is moving subconsciously to check it constantly.
To prove that we teenagers love our phone so much, I decided to do a survey. I asked around 95 students do fill out my survey. Not surprised enough, majority admit that they do use their phone more than 3 hours and use their phone before they sleep as they sleep very little. What surprised me the most, is that majority of the students said they don't feel sleepy during class. As I was thinking that they would say yes. But it took a moment for me to realized that because it has become such a norm and habit of sleeping late, they have gotten used to sleep inertia.
Tying into the Secondary source, it did state that "we honestly don't realized we are sleep deprived." Thus our valued in sleep has been so little that we don't even know if we actually had a good sleep or not. We are constantly sleeping in such a minimal hours that, we have gotten this "norm" of sleeping so little and feeling not at our full potential, though we convince ourself that we do. I'm not saying that technology has changed us as a whole, and thats why we become such night owls, but it does play a huge factor into our life. Yes, I get it. Technology is improving literally per second in our life and we just don't know it. We're so amazed on how much short cuts technology does towards our daily activities. Think about this. Majority of the population (or at least I think so) has a smartphone, a phone where theres no buttons that contains #1 and ABC and you have to push 3 times to get to the letter C as you're texting.
Like what? 8 years ago? Flip phones was such a thing, no no no, the slide up phones was the gig. It was literally a laptop in phone version. Now we have a tap screen where we can type on a glass surface. On this travel friendly device, we can literally do anything, (if own iPhone) you can ask Siri... ask google... use calculator... calendar, check weather, text, FaceTime, social media, read manga online, watch BTS all day. And ta-da goodbye sleep. We've gotten so intrigued with the technology, that we spend time using it and playing around instead of sleeping. To the point that it has become a norm and a terrible habit, where we don't really see why we need sleep anymore when we could spend our time doing other cool stuff on our phone.