Saturday, October 21, 2017

Greetings my dearest friends~

!!! Welcome to my wonderful wonderland blog ¡¡¡


My name is Alice :icononigaspplz:  (get it? Alice in Wonderland~) 

The blog is basically created for my SUPA English class... because my wonderful teacher thinks it's so much fun to torture kids.:iconfinallyplz: These blogs will consist of me blogging about other blogs (I'm all about that anime/manga and art life!!!:iconhappyhappyplz:) and other weird assignments.:iconaboishappyplz: Tooootally fun.

Clearly the goal for this is for me, the crazy blogger gal to experiment and hopefully be amazing at blogging. (IT'S A LIE!!! MY LIFE IS A LIE!)  :iconrocketpunchplz:.

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