Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Unit II?

As for our unit 2 assignment, we are doing a re-imagining on the norms we experience.  By doing so, we analyze how our current beliefs of what is normal and why so see other abnormal. :iconteatimeplz:We are choosing a "hotspot" in our American culture of what is consider normal and how is it constructed. Picking a "hotspot" can be about something that you have a stake in.:iconlazyonion: It could be about the Media, NFL, Trump, Police, Drugs, Dress code, school (safety), -cough- bedbugs, Athletes (concussion). :iconredpassplz: Using a Primary and Secondary source to prove the topic chosen, but it can't be something that can be bias... it has to be neutral.:iconrelievedplz: For the topic I've chosen.... recently is sleep cycle. How the usage of technology has affect the user's sleep cycle. :icongameaddictplz:My main focus is about students and how we students don't sleep on a recommended amount of sleep because we tend to use our handy dandy electronics which prolong our time to go sleep.

The norms has become where our phone is near us around arm length and our phone is the first thing we see and the last thing we say goodbye. :iconhappyhappyplz:

It has become so common that we are so guilty of this and even admit that we use our electronics more than 2 hours per day... whether is social media... or homework... or watching drama.

P.S. Im guilty of this

1 comment:

  1. I'm only occasionally guilty of checking my phone at night. I have noticed though, I do have a hard time sleeping once I check it for awhile.
